Story: Tuktuk driver on Phuket stabs tourist over fare dispute. readers comments (paraphrased):
1. If the tourist knew Thai culture better this wouldn't have happened.
2. Why was the tourist arguing in the first place?
3. Well, the tourist was Welsh. (Jil: OK, I know that was a joke.)
4. The tourist was drunk, so he probably deserved it.
5. The tuktuk driver should be ripping off drunk tourists. It's only fair.
6. The tuktuk driver did what any Thai person does in this situation.
7. The British are all criminals, so why judge the Thai guy so quickly?
8. Blame the Phuket government for not hiring nice tuktuk drivers.
9. It was 3:30 a.m., so the tourist obviously had it coming.
What a bunch of apologist douchebags.
These people honestly believe that certain tourist behavior naturally and always should lead to a Thai putting them in the hospital. They think, without apology or doubt, that if you go against the Thai way of things, the Thais ("they're barbarians, but they're our barbarians, dammit, and we love them") have every right become violent and assault people.
I don't know why, but there are so many foreigners like this who live in Thailand who honestly think that stabbing and robbing tourists is (and should be) just a normal part of Thai culture. They believe that certain tourists are just naturally inclined — by their behavior or ignorance — to be culled from the tourist herd. They use catch phrases like "TIT" (which stands for "This Is Thailand", meaning that it bears no further explanation), or "som nam na" (which means "too bad for you" in Thai, or, translated into that mocking Simpson's kid's laugh: "Hah Hah!") to ridicule tourist ignorance and excuse Thai behavior.
(As an aside, I do riducle tourists who are duped into taking knockout pills by prostitutes, and then get robbed of all of their belongings. But, (1) it is hard to argue that theirs is not a grand stupidity, and (2) I don't make excuses for the prostitutes who do it.)
Anyway, as I said, apologist douchebags. Each and every one.

CATZ | Covent Garden Complex, End of Walking Street |
CHAMPAGNE | Off Soi Diana / Soi Buakhao |
CLASSROOM | Soi Pattayaland 2, South Side |
BOESCHE | Covent Garden Complex |
COYOTEE | Soi Marine Disco |
DOLLHOUSE | Behind the Walking Street Boxing Ring |
HEAVEN ABOVE | Soi Diamond Complex South Side Rear Upstairs |
KITTEN CLUB | Soi Pattayaland 2, North Side |
LIVING DOLLS SHOWCASE | Halfway Down Walking Street, West Side |
MANDARIN | Soi 6, South Side |
MISTYS | Soi Pattayaland 2, South Side |
SHARK | Covent Garden Complex, Second Floor |
SPICY GIRLS | Soi Pattayaland 1, North Side |
SUPERBABY AGOGO | Soi Diamond Complex, South Side, Rear |
SUPERGIRL AGOGO | Soi Diamond Complex, North Side, Rear |
TAHITIAN QUEEN 1 | Beach Road, Near Soi 12 |
TAHITIAN QUEEN 2 | Soi BJ on Walking Street |
TIGER | Soi Diamond Complex, South Side, Upstairs |
WHATS UP | Soi Beach Club, North Side |
WINDMILL | Soi Diamond, South Side |
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I agree with you; I read that posting and the loser comments that followed. What a bunch of morons. Makes one think twice about 'advice' from the 'experts' on the web.
What a bunch of fags..
Good catch. Thumbs up, regards your on/off reader. :)
I also agee and as Franky says it makes you think!! too many cynics out there, makes you wonder what sort of life they are leading themselves and if they REALLY have any friends!!
Most also think it is a great idea to marry a bar girl and castigate anyone who dares to point out that this might not be such a good idea.
I estimate that there are 9 morons for every 10 Thaivisa posters
I'm glad I got banned from that place. TV that is not Thailand. I read the comments following the news updates I get on email and quite literally do a double take sometimes.
Its funny really that even after being banned all you numpties can talk about is TV. Seriously get over it, TV is more informative than any other Thai forum out there, i mean just look at teakdoor. What a load of drivel that is, nothing but insulting other members talking shit and abusing newbies.
Have to agree, there are some real losers and morons on that site, generally the most frequent posters.
Yes I'm glad they banned me.
To be honest I used to take TV far too seriously. It's only a forum and a bad one at that. Full of stupid people who are full of their own impotance.
Old Croc springs to mind.
I fell as thou I am starting a new better life since I got banned.
Great News.
I have so much time to spend with my parrots now that I have managed to teach my favourite parrot a new line.
In just two weeks I have got him to say
"Wolfie's a Wanker"
Get over it. Teach the parrot to say Udon is a wanker. IDIOT!
I resent the fact that you are using an anonymous Blog spot to attack me. I am definately not a wanker, I have lots of friends.
{Full of stupid people who are full of their own impotance.}
i dont think you will find many like that on thai visa.
Love your new site...
Dear Wolfie,
I am sorry that you resent me posting on here but I cannot post on TV because you banned me.
Remember ?
If you have any objections to my parrot then I suggest you file slander charges against the parrot, it was her that said it, not me.
That's a fair comment.
There has been a long thread about you in the Moderators Room. We understand that you have troubles in your life and that being confined to a wheel chair must be difficult.
To show that we are a caring,thoughtful and considerate bunch here we would like to offer you another chance.
Would you like to come back to TV ?
Thank you for your very nice remarks. Of course I'd like to return to Thailand's most informative internet forum. Any chance of making me a moderator again ? Somewhere slow like the Gay Forum. I'd be very quiet.
can i nominate my own thread on teakdoor. i think it is even more moronic.
I hope you get the medical treatment that you have waited so long for.
I would like to see you posting on TV again.
Thank you for you support
I would be honoured to have you lend a hand in the Gay Forum.
I am going all goose-pimply just thinking about it.
When can you start, I will back you up all the way
we love you here at balsa dorks,
keep posting, I am not really obsessed with hating TV it's a rumour
mad dog (the td paedo)
to the blogger, I'd like to thank you for showing us things we didn't know we wanted to know, and giving us a balanced, equilibrated, fair and meaningful insight into the views expressed by what I gather to be some 38thousand ex-patriot residents of forty different nations.
Were there to be more reporters like you in the world, we could all have a far more broad minded view and perspective on the state of global affairs. You must really rock!
Welcome back home to ThaiVisaDotCom.
Kan Win
From what i am led to believe, it is you who is the biggest loser. You go to Thailand, lose all your money and at the age 63 years, you now live at your mother's house and spend most of your time in the garden shed!! Ah, now i know why your bitter.
As for the original article, well, with over 37,300 members, of course you'll get some idiot's and troll's etc (mainly from TeakDoor).!!
I am the big boss at Teak Door and would like all posters here to know we provide a sensible balanced forum, Ok we have some idiots and I am one bit we have credibility as a serious forum, we have a few issues, the serious part being the first.
We have been in touch with all the ex TV members for advice and should resolve the issue soon.
dirty dog
To the author of this blog..
Some of the comments here are quite nasty, and most are complete rubbish.
This can of worms you opened has gone far enough, don't you think ?
OK kids. That's enough. It's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye.
Comments on this thread are now closed. Somebody asked, they shall receive. Besides... lots of other posts on this blog with open comments.
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