Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Kind of Reminds Me Of The Bubble Wrap

Just a little something to make blogs an even more complete waste of time. (Go here for the bubble wrap if that is more your speed.) Put your record in the comments section. Oh... and if you send me the $5 entry fee, you'll be eligible for the $4 first prize if you win.

(It's kind of like "Pong" isn't it? Except this game doesn't cost $100 and you don't need your dumb ol' sister to man the other paddle in order to play.)


Jil Wrinkle said...

Hey Jil: I got 73. I rock and you suck. Heh.

Cynthia Haller said...

I prefer the bubble wrap LOL at least I feel like I'm freeing myself from stress, this tennis ball is doing exactly the opposite...now I NEED bubble wrap to cool down