I woke up in the afternoon and proceeded to futz with my blog template, re-learning everything I had forgotten about cascading style sheets. Fun fun fun!
Pui and Go went with Stan's wife Mem to Bangkok today for an "Aim Star Network" (turn down your volume) presentation, which is one of the Asian Avon selling gimmicks. Pui is just absolutely smitten with the idea of selling skin care products to the entire world. (In America, my first inclination would be to discourage such an endeavor, but this is Pui, world's friendliest Thai girl, and this is Thailand, the land of skin care fanatics. If anybody can make a million selling Avon, it is Pui.)

Marriot Desert Buffet...
Note the chocolate cascade.So, with Pui and Mem (and Go) in Bangkok, and with Pot dropped of with Willie and Kak for the day, Stan and I were left to fend for ourselves for dinner. Thus, we went to the Marriott for their 550-baht-plus-plus-plus all-you-can-eat buffet. What a buffet it is: I started off with 2 lobsters, a bowl of hot-and-sour soup, and sushi. Then I had roast pork with gravy. Then I had crab legs and more sushi. Then I had some prosciutto and cheese. Then for dessert, I dipped bananas into a chocolate cascade and had tarts and a blueberries & creme parfait.

From there, Stan and I went to Rick's bar where we joined Rick, Justin and Mike for a bullshit session. We had a good time playing "Cliff Clavin", each of us trotting out nonsensical bits of trivia that we know to share with the group. The final being that no piece of paper can be folded more than 8 times. Stan, Mike, and Justin were in agreement with that assertion, while Rick and I tried time and again to prove them wrong, finally getting the mythical ninth fold using a 30-foot length of toilet paper.
Hey: Even in Fun City, there are nights where the debating of paper folding is as amusing as life gets.
By the way, this week is as cold as Pattaya gets. Daytime temperatures are in the low-to-mid 80's, and nighttime temperatures are down into the high 60's. (Brrrr!)
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