Today, it was off to Steve's house for his son Bobby's fourth birthday party. In Pattaya, kid's birthdays are really important to the expatriate community, because it is one of the few regular ways to get a dozen families together all at one time. (And we expatriates do truly enjoy going to a social event where heavy drinking is actually a
bad thing. It makes us feel responsible for a change.)

There were two birthdays actually, Steve's son, and Owen's daughter. So Steve had purchased 2 piñatas for the occasion. The first piñata broke open easily, but the second one took quite a bit of bashing to get open, but finally a big pile of candy landed on Steve's driveway, and a mad scramble ensued. (I got all the Snickers bars, although I had to beat several of the other kids away with the piñata stick.) Everybody bought remote control cars for Bobby, so there were half a dozen of them zooming around the driveway, living room, and front patio.

After that, all the kids wound up in the pool, and Bobby blew out his candles poolside. Two clowns showed up and made balloon animals. Grandma and Grandpa Blumenthal took videos and enjoyed watching the kids play. Most of the guys sat around in the air conditioning of Steve's living room talking about real estate in between helping kids put batteries in toys, or making funny faces at babies, or grabbing a camera and walking off to capture a bit of memorabilia for the day.

Aussie Owen introduced Pot and Kevin to silly string. Pot started to cry when he first got a bunch of the stuff on him, but then quickly turned into a crackerjack marksman when given a bottle of his own silly string and was sent to retaliate against Owen. The general rule is "expatriate = big kid."

Pui, as per usual, homed in on the nearest baby and stared at the little lump of joy all googly-eyed until the baby's mother loaned her over to Pui's adoring arms. (Everybody bugs Pui on a regular basis that one child is not enough, but Pui is still making up her mind on that particular subject... although her keen interest in every baby that she sees does make one speculate what she is really thinking.)
Anyway, I got a quarter day of work in before the party, and a quarter day of work in after coming home. Here is to hoping that next week sees me actually doing a real day's work.
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