Saturday, September 24, 2005

Saturday Photo Spread

Although I would have been just as happy to provide you with 1,000 words. Really.

Saturday: All is quiet at the Wrinkle Residence, Thailand Branch.
The newly grouted tiles are drying. (The roof of the house I will be moving to next month is in the background.)
The sun is shining through the windows.
Jeep is studying her accounting. (Shhh... she's crabby today.)
The fish are enjoying the sunshine (and the food I bribed them with to come to the surface).
But outside my front gate, construction is going on up and down the road.
... and inside, my office is waiting for me to get back to work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those pictures are great. It didn't look like there was any construction going on in that picture, tho. Just a dirt road. A building in the foreground.
Your home looks great! Jeep looks like she's 10 years old.