Saturday, September 03, 2005

Glittering Pool Lights

It's pouring rain.

When it pours rain, it always knocks out my satellite TV. It always knocks out my satellite TV 15 minutes from the end of a movie. I read somewhere on the internet that when you live close to the equator, the raindrops are much larger than in the more distant latitudes, and are thus more apt to interfere with the satellite signal. Whatever.

Well, I still have the stack of bootleg DVDs that I bought for $2.50 each that I have to work my way through. (Don't worry... I'm not stealing money from the movie studios: I never in my right mind would spend $15 or $20 for a DVD, so nobody is losing a sale.)

No seriously: I really justify it that way.

But really... can anybody tell me how "The Punisher" with John Travolta ends? I mean it was a mostly shitty movie... not even worth the $2.50 that I could spend to see the last 5 minutes... but one does want to know.

There is one cool thing about a nighttime rain storm at my house though:

I turn off all the lights, except for the underwater pool lights, and sit out on the porch swing and watch the glowing water roil under Thailand's monster mutant rain drops.

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