Sunday, September 04, 2005

Rain, Rain... (Don't) Go Away

It's still raining here in Pattaya. It rained all night as far as I can tell / remember.

This is a very good thing as Pattaya has been in a hard-core drought for the last 5 months, with many parts of town going without water for weeks on end. Fortunately, I live in the wealthiest section of town... so my house runs out of water only for a few hours at a time at worst. (Actually, I think it is more a function of population density on a given water line -- mine being much less dense -- than a function of wealth... where some guy shuts off the water to the poor people so that the rich people don't have to go without.)

It's not much better to have water though: Everyone is washing and bathing and cooking and cleaning with the dregs of the resevoir water. It doesn't matter where you live... but a Southeast Asian second-world country is particularly bad... the dregs of the resevoir water is not what you want coming out of your faucet.

Let's hope that this rain helps restore Pattaya's water supply to at least a just-enough-to-get-by level.

Let's hope that it stops before my friend's birthday party this afternoon too.

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