Sunday, September 25, 2005

Mr. Green

I've hired Mr. Green, a close friend of Toom's, to be my new groundskeeper. (He's the wet fellow on the left in the last picture of Jeep's birthday party post below.) He's apparently looking for an escape from his current girlfriend ("she talks too much") and what with the free apartment, free food, and a reason not to be anyplace close to his sign-making store, up to his elbows in the good green earth (which apparently appeals to him) is all the reason he needs to take the job.

I'm fantastically lucky if he sticks around. Along with Toom, my staff both speak excellent english, have good educations, common sense, and are able to understand that in the Wrinkle Residence, Thailand Branch, things are done the farang way... and they know what that is.

Anyway, Mr. Green is in his 40's, tall and thin with a ponytail, a monstrous smile that shows acres of big white teeth and pink gums, and a big baritone voice to go with it. He'll be starting October 9th when I move to the new house.

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