Saturday, April 07, 2007

Pattaya To Ship Soi Dogs Upcountry

Stray dogs are everywhere in Thailand.
A new program is underway to clear
Pattaya's streets of these poor things.
There are some aspects of Thailand that Thai people simply cannot perceive as a problem, until it becomes part of every foreign tourist's list of complaints about their visit to Thailand. Soi dogs are a perfect example of this.

These miserable stray dogs have been a part of Thai villages and neighborhoods for all of Thai history. They are accepted to be as much a part of Thailand as the geckos and water beetles that permeate this country.

However, when foreigners see a forlorn, mangy, starving, pustule-covered dog limping, or a vicious dog threatening a garbage collector, it's quite unsettling. Thai people consider it to merely be a part of the natural way of things. Foreigners think something should be done about it. (See

Now, it looks as if Pattaya will be rounding up soi dogs and shipping them up to a preserve somewhere in Isaan. That's a good thing. I hope that the poor wretches are taken care of, spayed or neutered, and can live out their days in an environment more friendly and serene than a crowded, noisy street in Pattaya.


Anonymous said...

Dear Jil (with 1 L)Trust me it's NOT a good thing that these dogs are being shipped up to Isaan. Who will check on their welfare, this is basicly being sent to a death camp, I will stake my life that there will be no vets for treatment, sterilization etc. What is it out of sight out of mind???!!!! If any one in Pattaya realy cares, then follow Soi dogs example & care for these poor animals!

Anonymous said...

Hi again I am not anonymous, but if all instructions are in Thai language only, so what do you expect! My name is Gill & I live on Phuket so I know what I am talking about!

Anonymous said...

The secure compound in Isaan is not a preserve but little more than a slow death camp, with little food, no veterinary treatment, where only the strongest survive. Thai dogs have been a feature of Thailand for over 12,000 years. Their numbers are proliferating in areas like Pattaya because of the increased population and therefore increased food supply. What the authorities should be looking at is a better garbage disposal program, secure bins etc., removing a few thousand stray dogs will have no long term effect. Others will simply take their place or be replaced by rats and mice. Take a look at phuket where the Soi dog organization mentioned have sterilized over 17,000 cats and dogs and treated thousands moe. The result is that the population is decreasing and the condition of the dogs has improved. Without a sterilization program all such round ups are doomed to failure as has been adequately proved in Bangkok and elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jil
No response from you re the postings????

Jil Wrinkle said...

Sorry... I'm just noticing these comments now. This post was written 8 months ago, and I haven't checked back on it since.

Thanks for letting me know all of this information.