Sunday, April 22, 2007

Daily Report: An All-Day Party

Today, it was off to the beach with Pui and Go, where we met up with Rick, Fim, and two of Rick's students for this month, Danny and Jessie (both nice ladies from America).

We ate a ton of food while there. Danny had "chicken lap", a Thai dish (like ceviche) for the first time, and Jessie had her first try at papaya salad. Rick and I each had our obligatory kilogram of steamed crab, and lots of beer.

The tide was out, so it was about a 500-meter hike through ankle-deep water until we reached water that was up to our necks. Even then, it was a bit of a let down, since there was nothing remotely "cool" (or perhaps that should be without quotes) about the water — it was warm and hardly refreshing.

In the evening, Pui went out to Stan and Mem's house for dinner while Stan and I met up at TQ2. I entertained two of my three TQ2 girlfriends, Poo and Kung (crab and shrimp... the seafood combination) with lady drinks, and hung out with Alf, Stan, Geordan, and Bob.

Later on, Pui and Maid Go showed up at TQ2, fresh from a makeup session with Mem. (Thai ladies, like 12-year-old American girls, often sit around and do each others' makeup.) So I went from buying three (me + 2 TQ2 girlfriends) to buying five drinks every 15 minutes or so.

Nights like this get expensive rather quickly.

Anyway, at about 11:00 I decided to head home while Pui and Go wanted to do a little Walking Street Fling instead. (We did have separate motorcycles) so I gave the girls some money and sent them on their way. I checked my bin and headed off to Burger King for a burger, and then home to write this entry at shortly after midnight.

(By the way... although it isn't Friday, I will add that Poopy Cat and Pridi Kitty are both — for some reason — all wound up, and between then have totally destroyed a roll of toilet paper, have attacked and killed a plastic shopping bag, and have now taken to stalking each other under my bed. An entertaining end to an entertaining day.)


Issarat said...

damn, that sounds like fun. I feel like slapping someone today.
-that is a new song by Ludacris

Brunty said...

Jil, you are living a hard life there my friend. Glad you are working hard.

As for Franky, Man that guy gets it on and on.

Jil any idea how to fix my weather channel download on my blog. I am an idiot and cannot fix it.

Thanks Brunty

Jil Wrinkle said...

The Weather Channel thingie doesn't always work... and I would imaging that if you are trying to get it to work for Ubon or something, it will not. The Weather Channel my recognize the location, but probably isn't supplied with any data. The Pattaya information only updates about once or twice a day, it seems. So I would imagine for downtown Isaan, it would be once a week... if ever.

Brunty said...

Thanks mate. It's hard living up here in the sticks in Isaan country.

If I am lucky we might have some paved on concrete roads soon. ha ha

If you know of any English teachers looking for work I have 1 position available starting May 12th.

Have a good day mate..

Anonymous said...

You are a lucky boy. If I suggested a trip to a GoGo bar to my missus the scissors would be out for a cut n paste job.

Any tips to swing it?


Jil Wrinkle said...

Well, PN: TQ2 really isn't a GoGo bar in the truest sense of the word. It's a place where I and all of my friends go to drink. When Pui walked in for the first time, she saw lots of people she already knew from other places, and then proceeded to chat with the girls (who have been working there for years) and found them to be likeable folks as well.

Just up and suggesting a trip to Classroom or something isn't the same thing.

Anonymous said...

OK mate - I am taking your word as gospel. Please let me have an address to send my medical bill if it all goes tits up (no pun intended).

I have only been in TQ1 and as you can imagine that was not with the missus - purely for research purposes you understand.