Sunday, October 30, 2005

Well That Didn't Last Long

In the span of about 2 hours, the kitties had been shooting birds in a barrel, and had felled 3 of them in a permanent fashion, and several more were winged. All of them traumatized. Since this all happened after sunset, and there was a bright porch floodlight nearby, it could be that the birds were crashing endlessly into the cage, but I doubt it.

Regardless, obviously the environment is deadly to the birds and they would have all been gone within a day, so all of the surviving little song birds were released. One of the winged birds unfortunately didn't make it past the cats lurking in the periphery, and two big tookeh lizards were waiting by the floodlight which is the path the freed birds were flying... but I don't think the lizards caught any birds.

I did keep the lovebirds though... since they seem to have a nesting instinct, and went up into the safety of the little enclosure in the roof to set up shop.

All in all though, a grand debacle, and I'm bummed out at having caued more death and suffering among the avian population.

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