Oo... or is his name Ooo?.. is my pool boy. He noticed that the dishes were piling up in the kitchen and asked if I needed a new maid, as he would volunteer his girlfriend for the job if I did.
Thus, Porn (but pronounced "pawn") came to start work today. Oo will also be working for me cleaning up my yard once a week. Porn will be moving into the garage apartment tomorrow, I believe.
Khun Wolf, my bird, died... from neglect, I'm afraid. I feel horrible: I filled up his big water dish last week thinking that it would last... oh hell... I don't know... longer than it did obviously. The bird died of dehydration.

Thus, I went to the pet store today and bought 20 little song birds and 2 love birds and put them in the cage. The make quite a nice twittering... although they are driving the cats bonkers. I've had to run out every 5 minutes to smack one or more of them who has clawed their way up the side of the cage, and will probably have to continue to do so until they are trained not to do it.

Obviously I've learned my lesson, and will be monitoring my new friends' water and food status a little more closely.
So I am confused, is Took the girlfriend? I thought she was your new maid, but I look back and realize that was Tool who quit. I thought Took must have had a hard time getting things done because your taking her out too much. :)
Yes... that's right: Took is the new girlfriend. Toom is the former maid. Porn is the new maid. Maids in Thailand come and go like the wind though so hopefully she lasts.
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