The washing machine gave out. It sat idle for more than a year, hopped right to duty when asked, performed admirably, and them promptly died 3 days later. The Whirlpool people came to look at it. I heard some banging. Then, they packed the washer into their pickup truck and left. Apparently it will cost $55 to fix.
The water in the apartment out front went out. Mr. Green found (and I have no idea how he found) a switch buried in about 6 inches of dirt, over by the wall, that was turned off. Now, the house and the apartment run on 2 different water supplies, and I think that the switch that Mr. Green found just lets the apartment run off the house's water supply and that the problem is only circumvented... not fixed. Green and Toom OTOH, are quite certain that they saw the security guard in the yard quite close to where the underground switch was found, and he was the source of the problem.
But they love conspiracies and plots, whereas I'm more pragmatic.

CATZ | Covent Garden Complex, End of Walking Street |
CHAMPAGNE | Off Soi Diana / Soi Buakhao |
CLASSROOM | Soi Pattayaland 2, South Side |
BOESCHE | Covent Garden Complex |
COYOTEE | Soi Marine Disco |
DOLLHOUSE | Behind the Walking Street Boxing Ring |
HEAVEN ABOVE | Soi Diamond Complex South Side Rear Upstairs |
KITTEN CLUB | Soi Pattayaland 2, North Side |
LIVING DOLLS SHOWCASE | Halfway Down Walking Street, West Side |
MANDARIN | Soi 6, South Side |
MISTYS | Soi Pattayaland 2, South Side |
SHARK | Covent Garden Complex, Second Floor |
SPICY GIRLS | Soi Pattayaland 1, North Side |
SUPERBABY AGOGO | Soi Diamond Complex, South Side, Rear |
SUPERGIRL AGOGO | Soi Diamond Complex, North Side, Rear |
TAHITIAN QUEEN 1 | Beach Road, Near Soi 12 |
TAHITIAN QUEEN 2 | Soi BJ on Walking Street |
TIGER | Soi Diamond Complex, South Side, Upstairs |
WHATS UP | Soi Beach Club, North Side |
WINDMILL | Soi Diamond, South Side |
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