Sunday, October 23, 2005

Little White Supremecist Snots


Cute Teeniebopper White Supremecist Twins Have Hit Record.


Now, unlike most Americans, I admit to being a racist... but I am not a white supremecist. I believe that everything that contributes positively and interestingly to who you are is something to be embraced: Gender, nationality, profession, education, philosophy, heritage, and yes... race. I love racial diversity and the beauty I find in different racial features.

AND... that is all that race is: Appearance. I admit to being a racist because I define racism as appreciating and celebrating the varieties of human appearance brought about by ancestry... my own and everybody elses. I admit to being a racist, because I think the world would be an awfully ugly place without the beauty of Asians, Africans, Indians, Arabs, or Europeans... or the hundreds of racial subdivisions within those groups... to look at. My sentiment is the exact opposite of what Warren Beatty said in Bulworth: "Everybody just gotta keep fuckin' everybody 'til they're all the same color." When I walk down the street in my town, I want to have as many interesting races around as possible. I don't want them bred out of existence.

Racial supremecists dislike people who don't look like them, and furthermore attribute negative traits to people who don't share their appearance. That's evil. If you want to say that you don't find anybody but white people attractive, I won't argue with you: If that is your racial perception of beauty, I'll consider it narrow-minded but valid. However, if you want to say that you don't find anybody but white people intelligent, or law-abiding, or worthy of living in your neighborhood, well then you are not worthy of calling yourself "human" in my book.

The other day, I mentioned the Chantaburi nose. There is a perfect example. Now that Chantaburi is not a remote outpost of Thailand, separated from everyone else by jungle, the people of Chantaburi are moving around more, and more people are moving to Chantaburi. In 4 or 5 generations, that handsome Chantaburi nose is going to become hard to find, and well... I think that's a bad thing.

I was thinking about it, and I guess in order to be a racist, you have to treat people differently because of their appearance. Maybe if I put my mind to it, I could come up with positive examples of treating people differently based on their appearance, but probably not. I mean, I treat Thai people differently than caucasians, but that is based on culture, not appearance. So although all of the sentiments above hold true for me, I guess that they don't make me "racist" as I had attempted to redefine it. Oh well... no biggie.

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