Pot has been upcountry for the last month on summer vacation, mangling his Thai language skills, and replacing all of the proper Bangkok Thai that he learned in kindergarten over the past year with the ebonic-like Isaan dialect. (When he calls on the phone, even Maid Go can't understand him.)
Well, maybe when he gets to Pattaya next Monday, his little friends here will razz him for talking like a tongue-less Thai hillbilly, and he'll get back into the swing of things without a problem. I hope that by the time he grows up, he'll be able to turn off the Isaan accent without any effort. In a class-sensitive place like Thailand, an Isaan accent is a huge impediment to moving up in the world.
Well, if nothing else, at least Pot will have some interesting hand gestures to show the kids when he gets back to school.
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