I'm thinking about moving to a custom domain, but if the blog is still hosted by blogspot.com, that probably won't get my anywhere. Well, we'll see. If I suddenly stop blogging, at least you will know why. However, for the meantime, I still can access blogger.com (the publishing side of blogspot.com) and post to my blog... I just can't view my blog itself.
(The Tuesday Thai Tutorial is on hold because that particular posting really needs me to go and proofread the finished product and check formatting before putting it out there for everyone to read... so sorry about that.)
I remembered that I can view my blog as a preview through the blogger template editor, so at least now I have a way to view my blog, and can access comments that way as well, although it's all a bit inconvenient.
It was as I expected: Thailand was trying to block one blog (the blog of a political advocacy group) and instead blocked all blogs on the blogspot domain. Amateurs.
"Sorry to hear that Thailand is now an official media controlled country. On the good side, I give it another month... From Jakal"
Yeah... it definitely sucks. Hopefully it starts to get better soon though I am holding out no hope.
(Sorry Jakal... I had to delete your comment because the only thing that seems to guarantee a website getting banned in Thailand is talk about RVLTN, and even though the site is in English, and probably is the last website the government would deign to look at, I figure it is better to stay away from that subject on the blog.)
Are you having any problems with your VPN?
Anon: No, no problems yet. I personally don't expect there to be any problems either because cutting off VPN and other secure internet connections would affect large international businesses who use secure mail servers and secure file servers, and while Thailand is worried about the dozen or so people who might use proxy servers to access online gambling sites, they are more worried about the thousands of people who use proxy servers to conduct business and keep Thailand's economy humming along.
If you need a new host, I have plenty of space and can easily set up sub domain for you if it comes to that. Cant have one of my favourite blogs go under.
Thank you Rune. You are the second to offer me a spot. For the time being, I am going to wait for the block to come off of Blogspot, because, after all, it does appear that it was done in error.
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