Thursday, January 25, 2007

Somebody Needs A Hug

I make it a point to always put up flattering photos of people on my blog no matter how evil, twisted, or idiotic they are. However, sometimes (as with Condi Rice here, and Hillary elsewhere), a photo is just so unflattering that it becomes funny.

This is officially the angriest-looking person on the planet: Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice at last night's State of the Union address.

The reason it is funny, is because the camera switched onto her, and I (as well as everybody else on the planet, it seems) was taken aback at just how angry she looked. What is worse is that the camera stayed glued to Ms. Rice's face looking like that for 4 or 5 agonizing seconds. I could feel my soul being blasted by fiery rays of hate as I watched.

The best quote I read was... "Condi looked mad... Klingon mad."

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