Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Daily Report #1778

Slow at work. Midday nap.

I've spent the evening trying to download the mobile phone software for my Motorola via BitTorrent. I lost the CD ages ago, and can't find a replacement.

I've finally let my True DSL account lapse, and am on dial-up for the time being. This means that I only have my work computer connected to the internet. (The modem on my old computer... the one with the phone software on it... gave out sometime in mid-2006, thus the need for a new copy of the software to put on my work computer so that I can download photos from my trip and start putting up travelogue entries from Laos again.)

Got that?

Anyway, I'm re-learning the joys of downloading a 27 megabyte file by dialup. Good time to pick up my Thai language flash cards and do some studying.

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