As per usual, one Thai motorcyclist tried to drive through the intersection at the same time that it was being driven through by a speeding pickup truck. Unfortunately, after swerving while creaming the motorcyclist, the pickup truck skidded out of control and hit 8 other motorcycles waiting at the light, putting a total of 9 people in the hospital.
You could try to explain to Thai people that the extra 5 seconds gained from a little bit of hurrying and rushing isn't worth your life, or the lives of other people, but they will never see it that way.
For the farangs who are willing to listen, the rule is this: No matter how green that light looks to you, don't believe your eyes... It is very much yellow in color. Always slow down and keep an eye out at every intersection, no matter how much you think that you have the right of way.
I heard this story first from two Thais on two seperate occasions.
And both told me tutting , that a drunk FARANG had killed nine THAIS on motorbikes .
("Farang not Good")
Truth be told, the article does not say whether the Farang in the truck or the Thai on the motorcycle was at fault. All we know is that Thai and Farang both were going through the intersection at the same time.
The article doesn't say that the Farang was drunk, so it is probably safe to assume he wasn't. Nobody was killed though: 9 people injured.
That's okay... If we farangs can make broad generalizations about Thai men and Thai people in general, we might as well let the Thai people do the same about Farangs. Grin and bear it.
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