The title of this post is a joke...
but oddly, it has an element of truth.
Dinesh D'Souza
parrots Falwell
in his new book.There is a book out by Dinesh D'Souza called "The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11." What the book does is goes back and revisits the ugliness of the days immediately after Sep. 11, when Jerry Fallwell said the above statement on TV, causing a grand outrage. Mr. D'Souza decided that enough time has passed that statements such as the infamous one above can now be revisited, but based on every review of the book so far, most people disagree: Dinesh D'Souza is no less an asshole for blaming 9/11 on liberals now than Falwell was for blaming them then.
Here's a little tit for Mr. D'Souza's (and Mr. Falwell's) tat: It seems that Al Qaeda and radical Islam have a sort of "standard reading list", if you get my drift. Certain great authors and tracts and missives that are used to define their movement and mindset.One of these publications is The America I Have Seen by Sayyid Qutb, an Egyptian Muslim who wrote about the depravity and licentiousness and crudity and impeity of American society during his college studies in 1949... in the ultra-conservative, ultra-Christian town of Greeley, Colorado.
So therefore, to the booze-free, 100% Republican town of Greeley Colorado with its church dances and wrestling matches, I point the finger in their face and say, "you helped this happen."
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