Ah... this explains it:
Quake Knocks Asia Back to Pre Internet DaysI still can't figure out why the internet is acting so quirky though. Some sites load fine, others don't. For example, blogger works fine, but google (same company) doesn't. I still can't access google.com. Google.co.th is also down for some reason... probably because it somehow relies on google.com for operations or something.
With one blow, Mother Nature triggered the largest telecommunications outage in years, cutting off or slowing telephone and Internet traffic in Asia from Beijing to Bangkok. ...
Later, Chunghwa said connections to the U.S., China and Canada were mostly restored, but 70 percent of the capacity to Japan was still down, along with 90 percent of the capacity to Southeast Asia.
Oh well. Mother nature has driven me into the arms of Yahoo search for the time being.
I have felt a two smalls (3,7) earthquakes here in San Francisco ... I hope mother nature calms down and that internet gets back online a 100% for you.
Well the earthquake was waay out in the ocean, thousands of feet under water off the coast of Taiwan someplace.
They says that it is going to take a long time to fix the damage done, but that the internet should be back to normal in a shorter period of time.
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