After that, I stopped by Margaritavilla to visit Justin. (I was going to visit Rick, but he has left for Viet Nam for the rest of the week.) As I mentioned, Pui is working there, and has — as she always does — knocked everybody's socks off. She's a little workaholic once she gets started. Every day for the last week, she has cleaned a 5-story building from top to bottom because she enjoys it. This was her last day of work though, as tommorrow the "real" maid comes back off of vacation... much to everyone's disappointment.
From there, it was over to Willie's for a quick beer. He is heading back to Arizona on February 1st or so, as he got contracted to clean a nuclear reactor in Texas. That will be a total of 3 months here in Pattaya before his work year starts again. Poor guy.
So that was my lunch, zipping around town.
I gave Pui some grief last night about not sitting down to watch a movie with me, as we barely spend any time together these days, and a little "couple time" would be nice. She took my advice to heart, and... just as I was getting ready to go to bed tonight... Pui decided that some couple time was indeed a good thing.
So we made martinis and bacon sandwiches together, and then we sat down and talked, and laughed, and had what was a really nice evening. Pui also has requested that I type a message here to my mother and my father. She says "I miss mamma and pappa Jil and wait for them come holiday for visit me. I want take care and make happy mamma and pappa Jil every day."
My thoughts exactly, Pui.
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