So, here is "Dr." Paul Cameron's statements on Mary Cheney and her unborn child:
Perhaps if you made gay marriage legal, Mary's baby won't grow up to be a crack addict and axe murderer. Well, if the child grows up and starts shooting people in the face, I think we can blame genetics more than the fact that the child's two mothers aren't married."Unmarried women should not deliberately have children. Their children are more apt to experience privation and disruption. Consequently, such children are more apt to do poorly in school, disrupt society (e.g., engage in criminality), and be personally troubled. These wrongs are compounded when the child is brought into a homosexual setting."
"By this selfish action, Cheney is not merely disrupting society, she is being cruel to her child."You want cruel? Wait until she starts putting funny hats on the kid's head. Then the sh*t will really hit the fan.
So Mary merely having the baby means she is being cruel to it? I suppose we could recommend an abortion, but we know what you Religious Right folks think about that... although it wouldn't surprise me if y'all would actually make an exception in Mary's case.
Mary, 37, is currently 'partnered' with Heather Poe, 45. The median age of death for lesbians is around the late 50's. If Poe and Cheney stay together, odds are this child will lose at least one caretaker before graduating high school.This is a wonderful bit of data from "Dr." Cameron's infamous study. He determined that gay men die at an agerage age of 35, and gay women die at an average age of 58 (or so). How did he do this? He read the obituaries in San Franciso gay newspapers at the height of the AIDS epidemic, gathered the ages of the deceased listed there, and averaged them together. Now you know why the APA disowned him.
Children of homosexuals testify that day-to-day living is more difficult – and they are more apt to report personal disturbance as a consequence.Yes. That is because idiot children at their schools (usually the kids of idiot people — and idiot psychiatrists) tease kids with gay parents. "Dr." Cameron should probably warn black and Asian people in America not to have children for the same reason.
A high proportion of lesbian 'partnerings' break apart -- with custody issues haunting the child for the rest of his life.Indeed. The ratio of breakups is right around 50% or so. How is the divorce rate among straight folks? Actually, the custody issue isn't true: Virginia has amended their state constitution so that in case Mary and Heather should separate, Heather has no legal standing to the child she helped raise. That should help "Dr." Cameron to sleep better at night.
The child will disproportionately associate with homosexuals – who are as a class considerably more apt to have STDs and a criminal history, be interested in sex with children, involved in substance abuse, etc.Do you see what the APA was thinking about "Dr." Cameron's ethics and professional comportment? For "Dr." Cameron, GAY = diseased, criminal, pedophilic, drug abusers. I like to think that GAY = Jack from Will & Grace... the benevolent dandy. (Also, think of it this way: At least Mary's baby won't be exposed to any wife-beating men, eh? That's an upside, right?)
The child will have a much higher probability of learning homosexual tastes (at least a third of lesbian's children adopt homosexuality).Homosexual tastes? Like show tunes and body waxing?
By the way... this is more of the data that got Cameron booted out of the APA. Basically, what "Dr." Cameron is actually saying is that children with gay parents wind up not hating gay people like "Dr." Cameron believes they should. This angers him. The "one third" percentage is the number of children of gay parents who admit to having kissed somebody of the same sex. That's "Dr." Cameron's definition of "adopting homosexuality."
"Her pregnancy is further evidence that participation in homosexual activity distorts value systems, inducing practitioners to harm the commonweal. Our society already has too many children born without the benefits of marriage; Cheney's action is not only a bad example, but poor treatment of an innocent child."See? If you participate in homosexual activity, you may want to get married and have a family. (Gasp! Clutch my pearls! Shriek like a fairy!) So there you have it: The Religious Right whackos stop gay marriage, and then they castigate gay people for having kids when they're not married. Actually, they castigate gay people for anything and everything they do.
What amazes me is that there is still something like 2% of Americans who think like this, and believe this stuff.
p.s. As all J.I.P. readers know, the more you hate gay people, the more likely it is that you are overcompensating for some unwanted swishy feelings of your own. See: Haggard, Ted and Beauty, American for good examples.
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