Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Daily Report: Voices In The Dark

Light work day, mostly because of having fun with the blog. That happens sometimes... more and more often, however. I'm going to have to start asking for a blogging salary one of these days.

My mother called me last night for Christmas quite literally 5 seconds after I turned off the light to go to bed at 11:00. Good timing actually, as I got to lie in bed in the dark and talk with my family. The internet is weird in that you can stay in complete and perfect touch with your family, but not hear their voices more than twice or thrice a year. My blog, my mother's e-mails, my sisters baby photos, my father's naughty-joke e-mails... we're more in touch than we have been since we all went our separate ways 15 years ago.

This evening, Pui invited her friend Apple (in Thai, it is pronounced "Appun" since no word can end in "L") and her daughter Sasha over. Sasha is 11 years old and is from England where she lives with her father, so English is her first language. I took the evening off from work to entertain her. We sat in front of my computer, and played our favorite YouTube videos for each other, played some music, and visited some websites. Then we sat down with Pot and watched "Chicken Little" together.

Apple is actually spending the night here, while Sasha is next door sleeping at Riza and Mike's house.

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