Saturday, March 31, 2007

The One-More-Reason-To-Love-Firefox Post

Okay... actually this is a reason to dislike Firefox.

When you have a dodgy internet like I do, sometimes not all the images on a webpage download. Then you wind up with the "broken picture" empty space on your webpage (see below). In Internet Explorer, of course, you just right click on the broken image, and select "Show Picture", and IE makes another attempt to download the photo.

Firefox seems to have no such option. If you select "View Image", it will give you options to open the image in another browser window, but not to just retry to download the image and place it where it belongs.

If anybody knows how get Firefox to do this (without refreshing the entire page, naturally), let me know. Otherwise, I have to count that as my first complaint about Firefox.

In Internet Explorer above, you can right click on a broken image
and try to download it again. Firefox below has no such option.


Anonymous said...

Or you can get yourself a quality connection....

Jil Wrinkle said...

Mel, I'm guessing that you just stumbled across my blog at random, and missed some salient details. You see, the name of this blog is "Jil In Pattaya." The "Pattaya" being mentioned is a city in a place called "Thailand". The place called "Thailand" is a place where the word "quality" is only used in conjunction with the words "silk" and "fried rice." For everything else, adjectives like "third world", "jury-rigged", "intolerable", or (at best) "occasionally functional" are better suited.

Take this weekend, for instance. I subscribe to the most reliable internet company in Thailand. At 5:00 p.m. on both Friday and at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday (Sunday evening remains to be seen), the internet shut down, and stayed down until the next morning. (Here on Sunday, it has yet to come back up.)

Why did it go down on these particular days? Those are the days that customer service is closed, so when you dial up to complain, there is nobody there who is forced to listen to you.

Quality connection. Very funny Mel.

Anonymous said...


I don't know the solution offhand but there are thousands of "plug-ins" for Firefox. I currently use four different ones.

Just do a Google for Firefox Plug-ins (or typo variations). I a pretty sure you would find one and even if you don't I am sure you will find others you will like and use.