That's why whenever I read articles testing the intelligence or knowledge of Americans, I'm always caught off-guard, and gobsmacked by just how many dumb people actually live in the country I left.
The newest test is especially revealing: It's a test of America's religious knowledge. In a country with the highest number of hard-core, fire-breathing Christians, and with 40% of the rest of the population claiming to be at least "strongly relgious", and another 40% claiming to be "somewhat religious", the fact that a majority of Americans are ignorant of the basic facts of Christianity should really give some people pause on just how worthy they are to call themseleves "Christian."
Try these on for size:
• 12% of Americans think that Joan of Arc was married to Noah.I don't care what you may think of yourself, or what you may believe. If you can't tell me the first book of the Bible, or who gave the Sermon on the Mount... Then you are not a Christian, and should not call yourself one. You may think that Christianity is just a set of beliefs, but it is also a bit of knowledge. If you have one without the other, you essentially have neither.
• 50% of them can't name the first book of the bible.
• 66% of them don't know who gave the Sermon on the Mount.
• 50% of them cannot name any of the gospels.
• 60% of them think Jesus was born in Jerusalem.
• 75% of them think "God helps those who help themselves" is in the Bible.
• 50% of high schoolers think Sodom married Gomorrah.
• 64% of Americans don't know Ramadan is an Islamic holiday.
• 90% of teenagers can't name all 5 major world religions.
(All of these statistics are taken from a new book called "Religious Literacy: What Every American Needs To Know — And Doesn't", written by Stephen Prothero.)
Nice blog! You have an insightful and entertaining perspective on Thailand, politics, family, America, etc. Many thanks from a fellow American.
Koh Lanta
Ah Koh Lanta. Beautiful place. The only time I went to South Thailand, I skipped Phuket and went straight to Koh Lanta. Very nice.
Thanks for the friendly words!
I can tell you with 100% impudence, that I am not a Christian.
Since I took your survey; I am not worthy of being a Christian, thanks Jil.
Obviously neither am I! I can't answer half the questions either although as a Brit', and therefore general French person disliker, I DO know who Joan of Arc was but only because she lost!
To be honest I am always perturbed by the "born again" types who seem to be completely ignorant of the fact that in reality we live in a secular world. Eve Israel now has more secular citizens than Jewish ones excpet by name. I am from a (historically) Protestant country but have little knowledge about Christianity and even less interest in it. My "question" is a simple one - why should I be intersted in it? Is it important?
OK thats two questions - whoops.
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