Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Daily Report: Golden Parachute

Another fine day of work. My 2-week pay periods always start off like gangbusters, but the last few days revolve around the sentiment, "Well, there's always the next pay period to get some real work done."

By the way... I'm really enjoying Firefox. Thanks to reader Andy for getting on my case about getting my blog to work with Firefox, causing me to download it. It's a really nice interface. I definitely recommend it.

I'm watching the dollar keep going down against the baht. Now I'm reading that the housing market in America is about to go kaboom. Well, that can' be good.

I've decided that when I get my tax return check, I'm just going to do the same thing I did last year: Buy gold, and then cash it in when I need to over the year. I had originally thought that I would just keep the money in my American bank and wait for the baht to reverse itself before putting my hands on it, but it looks like that hoped-for reversal won't be happening anytime soon. It's probably best to get my money changed over to baht immediately... before I lose even more on the exchange rate. (And I figure if I keep the money in gold, then in case the baht should go kaboom as well, the value of gold might not follow it.)

I can't tell you how much I was looking forward to buying that 70-inch Sony high-definition television, but just in the past 4 weeks while waiting for my check, the exchange rate has caused the price of it to go up $400. I like to waste my money... but that's different. It can wait.

Oh well. Nothing else I can do about it really.

I've got a toothache... had a toothache. Lots of Tylenol, Norgesic, and Drambuie and I'm now numb from the neck up. Neck down too, now that I think about it.

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