Monday, March 12, 2007

The Irony Is Lost On Republicans

Rudy Giuliani in DragWhen Republicans attacked war veteran John Kerry for being a coward, while backing a candidate who never went to Viet Nam (though eligible to go), I don't know about you, but I did feel that my intelligence was being insulted.

Rudy Giuliani in DragNow, however, Republicans are throwing all sense of irony to the winds, and claiming (seriously claiming) in all earnestness that John Edwards is a pansy, a fag, and effeminate. Even the far-right New York newspaper, The Sun, has an article out with the snotty title "Could Edwards Become First Woman President?" This emasculation of liberals is the conservative momvement's penultimate tool. If you insult liberals manliness enough, and build up your own candidate's manliness, maybe people will vote Republican. Finally, claim a monopoly on God and family values.

I love men in dresses as much
as the next guy. But, if your
party is mocking your oppon-
ent as a girlie-boy, you really
need to stick to wearing pants.
Bill Maher made a funny comment about the Republican candidate's divorce rates: "The only guy on the Republican side who has practiced monogamy is the Mormon".

Can you Republicans possibly grasp the fact that it is immensely sad that the best you can do against a Democratic candidate (a third-runner, at that), is to insult his hair? I'm sure you have other more salient points to make, but they aren't getting nearly the mileage that Rush Limbaugh's "Breck Girl" insults (and Ann Coulter's "faggot" jokes) are getting.

And this time around, I really don't think that the American public is going to pay too much attention to what the front-running Republican pot has to say about the Democrat kettle's womanly charms.

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