Thursday, March 23, 2006

Going It Alone

I was going to take Pui with me on my upcoming trip through Laos that I am doing with Rick. Unfortunately, national elections are being held on April 2nd, and unless Pui wants to lose her right to introduce a petition to congress, run for village headmaster, be selected for lunar missions... stuff like that... then she needs to vote.

I like the fact that you actually do have the choice to not vote in Thailand if you are a Thai. You just go to the polling station, get a ballot, and check the "I choose not to vote" box. Nope. That's not a vote. Nuh-uh. Nothing like it. (Ya know, I'm sure there is a song by Rush that would sum this up quite nicely... but I can't remember...)

Well, at least I'll be where the bars are open on April 2nd. Hopefully I can get back into the country after the election.

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