Sunday, July 29, 2007

Thailand Driving Revisited

First of all, a little set-up for this picture: This is where Pattaya Central Road meets Sukhumvit Road. The part to note here is that Pattaya Central Road forms a "T" with Sukhumvit Road. Everybody stopped at this light is going to be turning right.

Look at how far out to the left the motorcycles are strewn, moving to the front. Notice how even then, they leave a clear lane for cars to make left-hand turns. (In Thailand, they drive on the left, so therefore instead of "right on red", it is "left on red.")
This is something you simply have to get used to on Thai Roads: If there is an available space of pavement, Thai people will fill it if they can. People will pull into the passing lane and pass you for no other reason than because there is a space that will accommodate their vehicle in front of you... regardless of the fact that you put that space there in order to maintain a safe following distance.

It isn't impatience to Thai people... it's just the way they see orderly behavior. If you think that Westerners don't apply some of the same logic to their own driving situations, try coming to a stop at a red light in America, and leave two car lengths between you and the car in front of you, and see what happens. Thai people have the same reaction when they are in motion... and most certainly when they are waiting at a traffic light.

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