I spent the morning fiddling with my blog and spent the afternoon napping, which I think put the finishing touches on getting my sleep all caught up. There was no work for me to do... well... no work that I
needed or
wanted to do.
In the evening, it was off to the new Shooters on Soi Diamond... the former Lennies... for Manfred's birthday party. Alan, Bob, Ray, and Manfred closed Lennies the day before I left, and opened up Shooters the day before I got back. They have done a really amazing job with the place, with a complete redecoration. They are trying to market themselves as an upscale place with the music turned down a bit, and the drinks and ladies a little better quality. I have to say that it really works. In addition, they have Ray... one of Pattaya's friendliest fellows... working as manager of the place. Oh: Of course, they are serving Bob's Bar-Be-Que there as well... burgers, ribs, hot dogs, Mexican food... as well as Belgian ales and other high-end beers.

I gave Bob, Alan, and Sam a bottle of Patron tequila as a present for their opening of the new restaurant in Carrefour since I wasn't able to make their July 1st opening in person. I've never tried really expensive tequila before, and it was quite a surprise: Smoother and milder than scotch.

After about 3 hours at Shooters, it was over to TQ2 with Bob to see the folks there. I hung around with girlfriend Poo (the photo is her), Geordan, and Bob for a while. It looks like TQ2 has raised the price of a beer to 125 baht... but the vodka tonics are still 99 baht.
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