Saturday, June 09, 2007

Welsh Guys Fight Over Stupid Stuff

So these two Welshmen (who are apparently friends) got in a fight with each other. The news article says that the fight was about "the relative charms" of the girls that each of them had barfined. Now, I don't know if that is an embellishment or if the Welsh fellows were really stupid enough to fight over something like that, but it does bring to mind a very simple rule of Pattaya:

Whomever you or your friend barfines, she is always indisputably the prettiest girl in the place, and is always a perfect choice. Whether your or your friend's lady has a caveman's cranium and a gorilla nose, or an Adam's apple the size of a golf ball and tallywacker the size of a 7-iron, it's all good and right in Pattaya, and you shouldn't criticize or judge. (The exception to this rule comes the next day when your friend wants to marry his date from last night.)

1 comment:

Brunty said...

Fantastic wording and so very true.