"The Ohio Air Force lab proposed that
a bomb be developed that contained a
chemical that would cause enemy
soliders to become gay, and... became
irresistably attractive to one another."I remember hearing about how back in the 1950s and 1960s, the American government developed programs attempting to use psychics and LSD and other crackpot ways of undermining a Communist soldier's morale, and I thought that they were silly remnants of the Cold War, and nothing that ridiculous would be attempted or contemplated in modern times.
Well, color me a bright pink shade of oopsies.
It seems that in 1994 (I repeat: 1994), the Pentagon allocated $7.5 million to study a super secret weapon to get enemy troops to irresistibly lay down their weapons... and start porking each other.
Yes indeed, the great American military mind tried to develop a gay bomb: A bomb filled with hormones that, when inhaled, would make the enemy super extra horny... so horny that they would look at each other, and go right for the belt buckles.
First obvious: If you are a straight guy, and you are immensely horny, and you are faced with the option of gay sex or onanism, which do you choose? Second more obvious: No matter how horny you are, isn't being in the middle of a gunfight, with bombs exploding around you, enough to make you put off busting a nut at least until people have stopped shooting at you... or you have finished shooting at them?
Well, this was certainly an example of military intelligence at its finest: A gay bomb. Jeebus.
LOL.. thats silly!
are you sure that who developed that secret genus super ultra weapon is the American government?
It sounds like a joke to me. If true its funny how they started considering it about the time thee Clinton administration came up with the latest policy on gays in the military. Or Don't Ask Don't Tell. Maybe they were failed or test sunjects Ha! Ha! from Jakal
Thank you for the laugh. We all know our the US does have some issues but a Gay Bomb come on.
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