It doesn't improve on the din and chaos of Suhkumvit Road itself; or improve upon the oh-so-ugly shop houses, repair shops, and huge cement ogres that pass as car dealerships; or eradicate the eye-bruising billboards and signage; or clear up the clutter of electrical wires; or smooth out the motorcycle-eating potholes and slightly-elevated sewer manhole covers... but it's almost enough to distract you slightly from those things.
Maybe they should try and plant some more trees in NYC, Detroit, Los Angeles, Philly, Pittsburg, Phoenix, St. Louis, Baltimore; those cities are eyesores. The bums and hookers could water the plants and maybe the drug dealers could supervise..no, wait. They are all too lazy to do that.
I wish the expats wouldn't complain so much about the place they reside, it gets old quick. Hookers there? So, what; at least they are not crack whores. Old buildings? So, what; at least your can walk around Suhkumvit Road with little worry of the street crime that prevails in most major cities.
Some cheery posts would be nice for a change.
Your are absolutely right: Midtown Manhattan is a crumbling mass of unpainted cement stained charcoal grey by 20 years of accumulated truck exhaust, and cardboard shanty towns without a single park or growing tree... unlike Pattaya, which is just brimming with civic greenery projects in all corners.
Crack whores? No... no crack in Pattaya... just YaBa amphetamine dealers and gogo dancers who have no other way to stay on their feet for 12 hours a night.
No worry about street crime in Pattaya? Which Pattaya are you referring to? I'm referring to the Pattaya close to Bangkok... you know: The crime capital of Thailand?
Cheery posts? The fighting Welsh guys and stupid tourists was amusing. Don't know about you, but the redneck video put a smile on my face. I realize that The Montien Restaurant Review wasn't too positive, but I tried. Friday cat blogging was a bummer? C'mon. Thursday Babe Blogging didn't cheer you up? Powdered alcohol drinks wasn't a fun little bit?
I can only assume that you were drunk or stoned when you wrote your comment, Mr. Anon. Go walk around in the speeding traffic on Sukhumvit Road and see if that won't clear your head.
ha ha; I love your witty style!
anon posters suck!
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