Now, if you are like I am, you immediately think that the only way you are going to find alcohol in a powder form is at some extremely cold temperature. Powdered alcohol is as likely to exist at room temperature as powdered water, right?
Not quite: Apparently, if you can get the alcohol molecule to somehow bind with another molecule (e.g. sugar), it will stay — while not technically a powder in and of itself — in one place, and not float away. Then, when you add water, the sugar dissolves, and the alcohol is released into the liquid.
Although the CNN article says that the drink is a "new discovery", apparently this process has been around for a few decades, and this drink, "SubYou" has been available in Germany for several years now.
I still like the thought of smoking vodka better than a powdered version though.
Hello :p Well, seen as I've been reading your blog for a while I figured I'd ask if we could now swap links. So waddaya say?
Lost Boy
Always interested in Link Swaps Matt... and you've got a nice blog in The Lost Boy.
But it's "HIS name is Jil (with one L) and HE'S in Pattaya." Other than that... thanks for the link. I've got your back.
I think this powdered drink idea will be HUGE. Just think, no more outragously high drink prices at the airport or on the airplane.
Franky: "uh, I will just have water, barkeep."
Hmm... didn't think of that. Good point. Really good point.
where can i buy vodka ciggerettes
Thanks, I have a few good ideas left in this brain.
Thanks for writing this.
hey i need to know were to contact this company to buy subyou mpoma@xyiencepr.com
hey i need to know were to contact this company to buy subyou mpoma@xyiencepr.com
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