In the ongoing war of Thai prostitutes/pimps against foreign prostitutes/pimps, we have finally come to double-standard-law-enforcement territory. (As if you weren't expecting that eventually.)
Five Russian dancers, with permits to work as dancers in Thailand, were arrested at the famous
Polo AGoGo Galaxy AGoGo (the place with the European girl in the glass box dancing over walking street... which the news article incorrectly states is "Polo"... sorry) for dancing in only bikinis.
So there you have it. If you didn't know it before, you do now: It is not about being illegal (the Russians had work permits), and it's not about being lewd and pornographic (you can find girls wearing 2 pieces of clothing
less than a bikini in bars literally 20 feet away from
Polo Galaxy). It's simply the fact that Thai people only want Thai prostitutes working in Pattaya. Simple enough, yes? Argue whatever way you will on the subject, that's the undeniable conclusion that has to be drawn from this arrest.
(I personally don't know what the hell the Thai pimps and prostitutes are worried about: Bar fines at
Polo Galaxy AGoGo are — if memory serves — 5,000 baht for short time... and I can only remember that I laughed out loud when I was told what the girl expected for her own recompense. It's not like the Thai folks are losing a ton of business to these foreign slappers.)
Please get your facts stragight. Russians work at Galaxy, not Polo. The barfines might be 5k at Galaxy, never been in there. But at Polo they are 1,000.
Sorry... my facts were based on the article I linked to in Pattaya Daily News, which names the place as "POLO A-Go-Go" 5 different times in as many paragraphs.
I was wondering though, because I remembered Polo as being the place downstairs. Thanks for the correction.
The Thai's on this issue have made a decission I agree with. Keep up the good work boy's in brown! from Jakal
So do you feel the same about all the Lao prostitutes in Pattaya as well Jakal?
You do realize that a major portion of all girls working in bars in Pattaya are from Laos, don't you? Unlike the Russian girls from Galaxy, the Lao girls are indeed working in the country illegally.
So is it about illegal immigration with you, Jakal, or is it merely some kind of racial purity you are supporting here?
Actually, Jakal... you really should expand on why you think Russian girls should be arrested for dancing in bikinis... I'd be interested to hear you justify it.
And don't say that you simply believe that Pattaya should only have Thai girls on offer, and leave it at that... that is like saying that Pattaya should only have Thai restaurants on offer... and Pizza and burgers shouldn't be allowed. Why not?
So don't put out any personal opinions of what you think Pattaya should be based on your own preferences of who you would bar-fine. Instead, tell me why you believe nobody should be able to get their hands on a blonde-haired, blue-eyed prostitute in Pattaya, even if they want one.
Dude don't get your panties all twisted. I simply made a personal statement. I don't believe it is worthy of a political debate with you. Have a nice life! from Jakal
For you the self appionted all knowing things Thai! You said half of the ladies are Lao. Just because they tell you they are Lao doesn't mean it's true. Clue light! All Thai ladies from Isaan refer to themselves as Lao but are actually Thai citizens. Pattaya does have women from all over the world I agree. If you had visited before the huge wave of eastern Euro trash you would know how much Pattaya has changed for the worst! I did visit before this mass migration of losers. I prefer Pattaya of 10 years ago compared to today. I don't see a benefit of an Uzbek hooker. If you want one go to Uzbekistan! It was totally different back then. The quality of the so called current crop of Expats was apparently much higher also! From Jakal
No twisted panties here Jakal... just looking to debate the issue. That's what blog comment sections are for.
As for saying "half" of all the ladies are Lao... you will see that I said "a major portion"... not half.
Being knowledgeable in the lingo of both Thai and Lao (and Isaan), when bargirls say that they are from Udon but use words like "duh" and "sap" and "ruh" instead of "maak", "aroi", and "mai" it's a pretty good indicator they are from Lao. (Isaan has a whole different set of regional words, like "wow" instead of "phoot".)
Besides, the Thai bargirls will always point out who comes from Laos if you ask.
There are some Cambodian girls also... who come from the across the border from Surin, who speak a completely different dialect of Thai... with a bunch of Khmer. They are easy for me to spot, because I can't understand a word they say when they speak Thai.
As for visiting before the huge wave of Eastern Euro trash, I was here in 1988, and I agree with you... it was better then: Cleaner, less noisy, less crowded.
However, the presence of Eurotrash and the presence of Russian hookers have nothing to do with each other.
The Russian hookers are here because Koreans and Taiwanese and Japanese would rather have sex with Caucasians than Thai girls, regardless of price.
Anyway, as for your reasoning to why you don't want foreign girls working as prostitutes in Pattaya, the "I simply don't like it" argument is fine... just as long as you can recognize that it's not logically defensible, and make sure when you throw out your hurrahs about otherwise-innocent people being rounded up by the police based on their skin color, you qualify it as such.
I personally have no use for foreign prostitutes, and even if their prices came down to Thai-girl levels, I still wouldn't be interested. However, any time that the law in Thailand is used to persecute foreigners instead of prosecute criminals, I have a problem with it. If you want to post approving comments for that type of behavior on my blog... I'm not going to argue, but I am certainly going to debate.
That's fair! from Jakal
Well I live in Isaan Jakal and I know many Thai ladies/girls and they do not say they come from Laos. If you say it as a joke they laugh but some don't like it and find it offensive.
Sure many of them speak Laos/Isaan dialect but it doesn't mean they come from Laos.
I think that the police arresting them for dancing in bikinis is absolutely foolish. These girls are legal worker in Thailand with correct visas.
How many fake ID and underage girls are there workingin Pattaya?
How many illegal Laos girls are there?
What about the never ending ladyboys illegally working from Beach Road?
Why aren't the Thai girls you see on Walking Street wearing attire much more revealing in some cases than a bikini not arrested?
It seems the men in brown only perform their duty when needed so a story can be printed in a newspaper to look like they are being tuff on illegal activities in Pattaya.
Jakal I agree to an extent with what Pattaya was and what it is today and also the difference in the visitors or tourists now in Pattaya but this isn't because of European prostitutes.
If anyone is working on a legal Thai visa they should be treated like any Thai would be treated but this doesn't happen.
That's just my opinion Jakal and Jil.
Heh. You said "Jakal and Jil". Heh heh heh. That's funny.
Again, this is Thailand. We all should know that the farangs (at least not the ultra-rich ones) are NOT treated the same NOR do they have the same 'rights' as the Thai's.
In Thailand it is still a HONOR to be from that country and they WILL PROTECT THEIR OWN, in most cases; no matter what.
So, to compare russian slappers to the locals is again; apples and oranges.
Hey Jill - You give Jakal a bit of in ya face.So i thought that i could perhaps offer some arguments regarding his comments, that he have not have expressed.
Firstly Jakal never said that he supported racially based laws. I think that you initially jumped to that conclusion. He just said that the Police had made the right decision.
Having the USSR (well former... well you know what i mean) girls here is no skin off anyones nose. Their pimpass pimps on the other hand is...Not good for the country. These guys are different from Thai pimps. They are involved in alot of bad stuff(Whats the diff i hear you scoff...but there is bad and MORE bad). They are here in Thailand to make money,selling pussy is only a part of the job.
I've had two of my mates from overseas over to visit and they have mentioned that they would not go near the 'Soviets' - the reason was that they did not feel safe.
So considering this Jill do you think that perhaps it might have been more of a 'community focused' based arrest? Maybe!!! Perhaps not....
Maybe the intimidation towards the Koreans and Taiwanese and Japanese which is frequently reported from the Uzbek et AL working girls pimps is another possible reason to tell them to haul anchor and piss off.
Um well maybe another reason is to help keep money in Thailand. The only money that these guys spend in Thailand (thereby supporting the economy) is for food and rent - and then only at a very basic level. All the rest is sent back to the home country. At least Thai girls might send some up country to help feed the family.
And 'Racial purity' - save the drama for ya mama. Good grief you forgot your happy pills didn't you. Either that or your a drama queen. I mean where are you getting that from??? Do you think that you should take a chill pill?
Laos does not have a prostitution problem. Thailand and Cambodia are known for their prostitution industries. Most of the bar girls in Pattaya are actually Khmer women from Issan in Thailand. Those Khmer prostitutes are still Thai.
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