Flower Girl Ida.
Presbyterian Church, Bath, NY
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wayland.
Vinnie and his staff.
Cutting the wedding cake.I slept a little better last night... probably because of the lack of sleep from the night prior. Mom and Nancy took Vinnie out to the park to play, while Dan and I sat home and chatted. I watched some Wimbledon for a while. Dan went and picked up his parents, the Moldens, at Elmira airport, arriving from St. Louis. In the afternoon Uncle Bob and Marian came over and joined the party as well, making eight of us, plus the 2 dogs and Vinnie.
My father stopped by in the afternoon to drop off a tie (I, being now a Pattayan, and respecting all that that signifies, refuse to actually own a tie), and a golf shirt and hat for tomorrow. With my hair the way it is now, my father and I really look exactly alike. People instantly know who I am out around town. It happened at the winery on Wednesday: My father is very well-known in this area of the state, and Warren the Wino at Dr. Frank's winery (in the next county north of here... 20 miles away) knew who I was the moment I walked through the door.
At 4:30, it was off to the Presbyterian Church to watch my mother get married. I come from a very small family (11 cousins, 4 aunts, and 4 uncles, first and second, and twice-removed combined... both sides of the family), but the family my mother is marrying into is one of those families that adds 50 or 100 people per generation. So, the groom's side of the church was fairly well filled, while the bride's side was a bit anemic. We made up for that in spirit, of course.
So Mom got married. Aunt Carol cried. Vinnie had an ongoing conversation with the Holy Ghost throughout the service. Then, hundreds of photos were snapped both inside and outside the church.
After that, it was off to the reception, which was held at a nice upscale restaurant called Snug Harbor, located on Keuka Lake. I sat with Mom and Paul, Nancy and Dan, and Best Man, Paul's son, Jeff and his wife Dorothy. Jeff is, among other things, a race car driver.
I actually finally got to know Paul. Having only met him for the first time two days prior to his marrying my mother, I had to make up for lost time, so I just plugged away with questions, which he was happy to answer: He's a bit older than my mother. Getting the young'uns is something I can relate to, as Pui is a fair bit my junior. He was born near Pittsburgh, got an engineering degree from Penn State, and was director of electrical engineering at Westinghouse for all of his professional career. OK: He passes muster, and gets an after-the-fact stamp of approval from the bride's family. (My grandfather passed away 2 decades ago, so somebody has to protect the lady from making bad choices.)
Anyway, the sun set, the moon rose, and down on the dock outside the restaurant, a rhythm and blues band had set up shop and was serenading the moored boats. Mom and Paul cut their cake, everybody enjoyed a meal and a drink, and then we all headed home happier and with more family than we started the day with.
Oh... and here is Mike's Thousand Words for the day:
Keuka Lake, 6:00 p.m.

1 comment:
Well dude as probably the only one reading this that has a clue of the area you are talking about you are doing one hell of a job describing it...makes me not want to visit in the near future :)
Oh wait I'm not....
Maybe next year. :)
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