Jesus' General had a great blog consisting of posts that were essentially copies of e-mails that he wrote to business owners, politicians, religious leaders, or other folks, congratulating them on their racism, bigotry, sexism, homophobia, Christian supremacism or whatever else put a bee in his bonnet. Great stuff, and for the most part entertaining.
(So stick with me, my story gets interesting.)
That brings us to a blogger in Tennessee who runs a summary blog (a blog that basically acts as a clearing-house / news crawler for other blogs) for Nashville blogs. This lady blogger posted a link to a rather rude, insulting, and racist obituary of a friend of Jesus' General who had recently died. This lady also works for the local Nashville ABC affiliate television station. Therefore, JG (as he is known) took it upon himself to notify this blogger's employer (i.e. ABC in Nashville), and encouraged all of his other readers to do so as well, about this "racist post" on their employee's blog. The e-mails from Jesus' General's readers got so bad that the lady who ran the blog and linked to the racist obituary resigned from her job.
Now, some of JG's readers thought that it was a little harsh that this woman had to quit her job just because she linked to some insulting post on another blog, and they said so in Jesus' General's comments section.
What happened then? One of Jesus' General's readers decided to take it upon himself to contact the employer of one of the people (a college professor) who had left a comment supporting the now-unemployed Nashville blogger, stating that one of their college's employees was supporting racist language, and this professor should be disciplined.
Well, Jesus General simply couldn't have his readers writing e-mails to people's employers about stuff written on the internet could he? He put his foot right down and put a stop to that. Oh. Right. The Nashville blogger. Whoops. Forgot about her, eh?
Dear JG... I can understand why you've gone fishing for a while: It's like one of those movies where the main character has a great idea (Fight Club seems a fitting example), and then at the end, as all of his little minions run around applying his idea in ways unexpected, and as the camera fades out, you hear him lament, "I've created a monster!"
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