Thursday, December 06, 2007

Fun With Verbs

I got my love of the English language, oddly enough, not from my mother who was an English and reading teacher, but from my father, who was an engineer. We were having a discussion yesterday about variations between British and American English past participles, and in particular the use of "sneaked" versus "snuck".

That sent me to this page, a list of all English irregular verbs and their participles. It was fascinating how many versions of verbs have fallen out of use in modern times:

  • "I climbed" used to be "I clomb"
  • "I fared" used to be "I fore"
  • "I froze" used to be "I frore"
  • "I helped" used to be "I holp"
  • "I yielded" used to be "I yold"
Truth is, I don't know long some of these have been out of usage — it could be centuries or more; however, if you're like me, you find this stuff really really interesting.

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