She woke up today to a big bunch of flowers and an out-of-tune rendition of Happy Birthday from Maid Go and myself. Then, after a shower, Epril sat down at her computer and had an internet videoconferencing session with her parents, and her little neice, Doreen.

Epril chit-chats with her family
over the internet.I asked Epril where she wanted me to take her for lunch, and she had only one place on her mind: Bob's BBQ. So off we went. After Bob's, I took Epril out and bought her two new dresses, two shirts, and a necklace.
In the evening, Geoff and Honey Mae, and Mike and Riza came over, and I cooked up about 5 pounds of steak on Mike's grill, and we all sat around and had a nice evening. Epril blew out the candles on her cake, and opened her presents. She got a pretty teacup set from Geoff and Honey Mae, and Mike and Riza bought Epril a dress she had apparently commented on while out with Riza one time.

Happy Birthday Epril!
Harris Black missed the post about no more insulting comments.
Happy Birthday Epril....best wishes for you and Merry Christmas.
Epril, Happy Birthday From Sarah in The US. I hope you have great day and get all you want us girls have to stay together. ( What did you ask for Christmas?)
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