Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Are You Angry Yet? (Episode 6,573)

A young American woman working for Halliburton/KBR in Iraq was repeatedly gang-raped by her fellow employees, while being held captive in a shipping container. She was only freed when she managed to get a phone call out to her father in Texas, who called his congressional represntative, who called the State Department, who called the American Embassy in Iraq, who went and rescued her.

Rape kit and evidence collected by the American military regarding the case have all dissappeared. No charges have been filed. No criminal investigation is currently being made.


Anonymous said...

This one I am not angry about yet. I think it is a false claim.

OK, the rape kit is gone, but what about the depositions of doctors, nurses, etc., and then why easily transition to civil charges without exhausting all criminal avenues first.

This one reeks of "15 minutes of fame", but I could be wrong. It happened once :)

Jil Wrinkle said...


I actually considered the possibility that this was a fraud myself.

However, due to the fact that a member of the United States Congress got involved and was quoted in the news story tipped the balance for me in the other direction than you went.

Also the fact that ABC news (and not The Austin Statesment or something like that) broke the story gives weight to the likelihood that there is some "there" there.

We'll both see though.