Monday, December 03, 2007

The Best Democratic Candidate Leads In Iowa

Sorry, but Hillary leaves that same cloying Nutrasweet taste in my mouth that her husband did. She's a smarmy politician who won't eat breakfast without consulting a poll on America's favorite brand of low-fat sausage.

So Obama takes the lead in Iowa. Good. I hope he wins the Democratic nomination; although I won't claim doom and gloom if Hillary wins. Either one of them would be better for the United States than Rudy Giulliani (who is essentially the same as Vice President Cheney, but just hides his Darth Vader vibes better), or Mitt Romney (who is essentially the same as President Bush, but just does the "I love Jesus and torturing Muslims" schtick better).

Of course, you now have Mike Huckabee, who is the mutant love child of Jerry Falwell and Ross Perot dressed up in a Jim Nabors likeability, leading in the Republican polls in Iowa. That's comforting.


Anonymous said...

God Forbid we get another "GOOD CHRISTIAN" leader. A Fanatic is a fanatic.


Anonymous said...

IF "the people" are stupid enough to re-elect G.W Bush; anything can happen- from a wierdo mormon to a lesbo hypocrite.
It's the decline and fall of the Roman Empire repeating itself, read the book, late.

Anonymous said...

Nah we aint countedout yet. We may just be shakin some leaves off the liberty tree. However I will say I am a bit beside myself that the people are so stupid.Personally I think with the war and all it was good to re-elect the idiot so he could finish what he started.The foolishness of the people is another reason I am looking to stay in Pattaya for a while also.