I've bought a computer for Epril that I'm going to put in the living room downstairs for her to use so that she won't be web-surfing next to me while I am working (it is nice to have her around, but distracting), but I still need to get a monitor, a desk and chair, and a webcam for her. That will have to wait until payday next Friday, along with a mobile phone for her, a new digital camera, tickets for 2 visa runs to Penang, rent, and about 40,000 baht in bills. Grr... it sucks being in the red.
At about noontime, Epril, Go, and I went over to Geoff's house to pick up Epril's friend, Honey May, for the day. I had suggested she come over and the three of us would all eat a spaghetti lunch together, and Maid Go did cook spaghetti, Epril and Honey May opted for some comfort food: Some dried fish that Honey May smuggled into Thailand in her bags. (Bet that drove the drug-sniffing dogs at the airport crazy.)
In the afternoon, I went back to work. Epril and Honey May sat next to me and surfed Friendster for a while, visiting each other's relatives' and friends' pages. Then they went downstairs and fell asleep.
I can't figure that one out. Epril says she is sleeping the best she ever has in her life... and I don't doubt it: She has gone from sleeping on the hard floor with her 4 sisters in the jungle heat, just 5 feet away from the foot traffic of her village, with nothing but a porous and pock-marked wooden plank wall to keep out the noise... to a soft bed with several big fluffy pillows, big thick blankets, air conditioning, and complete silence. Yet, with the best sleep she has had in years, she still needs an afternoon nap.
In the evening, I finished work (2,000 lines... not what I wanted, which was 2,500 or 3,000... but a respectable amount anyway) and went downstairs and watched some TV. Mike came over and we watched "The Weakest Link" together, which is one of the best quiz shows ever in my opinion... although the British version has far too many Anglocentric questions for me to be able to answer many questions right. ("Who was the leader of the Labor party in 1956?")

After TQ2, I promptly ruined my diet by buying some banana-chocolate roti at a stand in Marine Plaza, and then Epril and I hit McDonald's on the way home. That with the spaghetti lunch certainly was no good for my waist line. Oh well... the diet starts tomorrow.
Got the third day of my Philippines trip report written... scroll down or click here to read it.
well, it won't be long now til your latest country bumpkin packs her bags and heads back home. Really, all this makes you look so pathetic. You simply assume her life was bad, sleeping on the floor, no aircon. Get a life. All your holier-than-thou americanisms are showing badly.
Do you really think some tasty 20-yo you met on a webcam is really going to stay with your 40ish fat ass? Yeah, we've seen the photo of you now on your mate's blog. What's with the pink shirt and that thing on your head?
Then you try to impress the girl you "rescued" by taking her to a strip club and hang out with prostitutes. No matter what you say, she's going to think you fucked them. A couple more visits and she's history mate.
Either seriously change your life -- go to the fucking gym for starters -- stop consorting with hookers and get a wrench and open that mind or just shut up and sit at home, eat McDonald's and jack off to Net porn, cuz woman with any sort of real education or experience outside a jungle will want you.
Hey, come on man...lighten up a little, anonymous...
Seriously, though, it does seem like you spend a lot of money, Jil, and I'm curiouis about that..maybe you have a lot or make a lot or have a lot invested..I mean, I make 90k USD a year and I could never spend as much as you do eating out, travel, etc...is it really "that" much cheaper there?
I do enjoy your blogs and just don't publish "anonymous'" posts if it gets too distracting...
Hello Jil,
Must say Epril looks pretty sweet on the net. Give her some time to settle in before making too many judgements on her. Lastly you have some serious hater's posting anon on the blog what did you ever do to them to make them hate you so much? He! He!
From Jakal
I make pretty good money, and can afford a couple of good nights out per week, although the trip to Laos 2 months ago and the trip to the Philippines have eaten up my regular savings, and I've got to get caught up on my expenses before I travel again in December. After that, I get my 100% tax refund and my savings get topped back up.
Jakal: Don't you just love jealousy? I can see that the anonymous poster obviously follows me religiously... He loves me and my life so much that has to say bad things about me to convince himself that nobody (including himself) deserves to have it as good as I do.
By the way Harris... when did you come back to Thailand?
Are there any arrest warrants out for you yet that I can take advantage of?
LOL, BOWY OH BOWY this makes for some pretty funny reading. Sorry I missed you, I went to the Blues factory last night and am now in Bangkok. Gotta head out tomorrow... BTW did I say how much I love Thailand? Great place for us sorry old fat AMERICANS to get all we need and save the world, hehehehe. I did talk with the guy in Jomtieng about work again. I will be taking a serious pay cut but this gig im on now wasent going to last forever anyway. The pay seems ok and I think Im going to go for it so I may see you there sometime in the future.
I am also from NY, grew up on Long Island.
PS: BEST DANM MUSIC IN PATTAYA PLAYED AT TQ2, well besides Mary and the Blues Machine.Ok so I enjoy Mary more then the music, sue me. :o)
Ok, Hurry up I want more details about your trip. She is a cutie. I hope things work they way you wish. You know I still only know what your face close up looks like?
Charish... I've had my face on my blog before a couple of times. Back earlier this year there is a photo of me. It's still there too... It just doesn't have my name next to it.
Good luck Jil! Keep your posts coming.
Think you got it wrong on the first commenter though, "he" is definitely a "she", and a western one at that...that explains the poisonous venom she spews.
Sounds like you are doing good (so far) with Epril.
Hope you stay happy with her and make a good impression for her to tell her family.
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