Now seriously: Imagine if every pedophile arrested in your country was an Asian tourist? How long would it take for everyone in your country to be up in arms about chasing out all the Asians? Probably a lot sooner than Thailand regarding Westerners, to be honest.
Well, obviously it's not my fault... it's not your fault either. It's the sick bastards among us who come to Southeast Asia to do this stuff to children, and the equally sick bastards who provide the children for these foreigners to rape.
Still though: To the average Thai person, we are all suspect, we are all dangerous, we are all potentially one of these monsters. No wonder visa runners are being forced out; no wonder foreign retirees are facing ever-higher hurdles; no wonder that famous Thai smile isn't as quick to flash on the faces of the locals anymore; no wonder that pessimism, a cool indifference, and a mercenary attitude seems to have replaced the warm, friendly, accommodating people that used to host us 20 years ago. The Thai people, after 40 years, have finally grown tired of drunken, violent, ill-behaved, and predatory foreigners coming to their country. I suppose you can't really blame them.
Hi Jil,
Love the blog. We can only hope they get rid of all the pedophiles. We all get a bad name from the wonderful Thai people.
The current surge is basically going on for profit rather than to get rid of all the scumbags. If they were really serious they have to look no further than the embassies.
Truly sad to see how those low-life few spoil it for all who sincerely want to interface with Thai culture.
I also hope these types are chased out, the sooner the better as the friendliness of Thai people is what made the place so great on my visits.
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