Apparently he's been in there so long that the local monks are concerned that his growth is really starting to be affected. However, every time mom tries to take the baby out of the basket, the baby cries and wails until his mom puts him back in.
So, question to readers: In Thailand, which can take precedence? Baby's deformed spine, or baby's happiness?
It's amazing how poor parenting skills actually are in Thailand. From personal experience with many Thai parents, they will let their toddlers watch cartoons whenever they want, eat junk food before meals and then skip dinner, stay awake to all hours, wander off unsupervised, and do anything to mollify a fit, including allowing the child to punch, kick, and scream himself or herself back to contentment. The level of permissiveness in Thai parents is just astounding. (And when the parents are done being permissive, they resort to beating, with very little parenting skills in between.)
Ok, and that is differant from here in the US how? We have kids that are so morbidly obese that we have talks shows all about them. And kids out to all hours of the night doing what. Parent locking children up like animals(few years ago in St. Paul, MN for referance). We as a society have let the thoughts of being parents fly out the window.My ex told me I put the fear of god in our daughter and I told him good. Because if I did not she would be a mouthy, disrespectful, child and who know even preganent at the age of 12. We have to many people who feel the can reproduce but not be responable parents. So the problem is all over. Just my input sorry.
well said sarah
Hey Jil. This is so true. Parenting skills here in Thailand are hard to fathom.
I work at a really well respected private college and the most the kids parents have money.
These kids get everything they want most the time, there are kids who get 200 + baht a day to come to school (Insanity).
It's funny when you discipline a student and you can see that this doesn't happen at home by the look they are giving you.
There are too many spoilt brats getting around, In the major shopping centres kids can do whatever they like.
Ride new bikes around the store and run into and or get in the way of people and mum, dad or grandparents just laugh.
Like you said about tantrums. A kid screams he wants something he gets. In Australia your mum and dad would walk off and leave you there.
I agree 100% that parenting has a lot of improvement to go in Thailand.
I agree with you fully. This is one part of thai society that I have hard understanding. We were on holliday in Thailand this summer and we spent a lot of time with my wife´s son and his family. They have three kids, three boys! It was exactly as you described, they were all over the place and the parents only laughed.
Me and even my wife were just astounded, My God.
But on the other hand, these kids do grow up one day and become quite unique persons which we farangs tend to like so much. Maybe it´s because of this rather special upbringing they become such loveable people.
Here in Sweden the parents are to much in the other direction. It seems like they have a scientific book about how to bring up children in which they read every night before they go to sleep. I don´t belive in that either.
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