Much to the Gentleman from Idaho's surprise though, he discovered that there was an additional United States out there that he hadn't been aware of: One that had people called liberals in it. And he was very surprised to discover that while liberals despised him and the anti-gay politics he practiced... especially while seeking out hypocritical anonymous gay sex in public restrooms... they also defended him in a way, by saying, "What's so illegal about tapping your foot to let other guys know you want cock?"
And so therefore, the anti-gay, mens-room-sex-loving Senator from Idaho (who is not gay) is reconsidering his resignation and his guilty plea in Minneapolis, most likely after reading all of the liberals who came out in defense... not of public restroom sex... but of speculative toe-tapping.
By the way, Andrew Sullivan linked to a great Onion article from a couple of years back that describes Senator Craig's dilemma perfectly: Why Do All These Homosexuals Keep Sucking My Cock?
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