I had a good morning of work — really good in fact. Then I broke for lunch (vegetable lo mein), taking 2 hours off to read my book. My afternoon of work was only fair, and I came in a little short of my goal. Not awful however. After that was an hour spent working on the online project, and listening to music: Paul Simon — Rhythm Of The Saints.
At 6:00, it was out to Stan's house for cocktails. His model railroad is coming along slowly but steadily. Oh... sadly (though that is a word quite distant from the one Stan would choose), Stan and Mem have parted ways after 5 years together. The only real major change I found is that Stan now serves the cocktails himself instead of Mem... which means that instead of getting a vodka tonic I now get tonic-flavored vodka.
At 7:30, Stan and I went over to our new friend Jeff's apartment. Jeff is a fellow whom I met at Shooters one night about a month ago. His eyes lit up when I introduced myself, and he told me he reads my blog every day.

The view from Jeff's apartment out
over Pattaya Bay is stunning.Jeff is a lucky guy... one of those fellows I consider to be in the upper echelon of expatriate folks: The foreign corporate executive living an all-expenses-paid life here. (Jeff will chime in modestly at this point, "Actually, I'm just middle management.") Well, hell yes, I'm jealous.
Jeff graduated from the General Motors Institute of Management, and works for a French industrial company here on the East Coast of Thailand. He has a clothing company of his own, enjoys talking about World War 2 aircraft, and (like Stan and myself) has never met a bit of knowledge or trivia that he didn't like. So, anyway, expect to see him mentioned on the blog a lot more, now that he is a friend.
At about 8:30, it was out with Stan, Jeff, and a lady friend of Jeff's to Symphony Brasserie on Second Road for dinner. We were there enjoying ourselves until midnight, before we paid our bill.
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