There is nobody who better verbalizes the country's anger, disillusionment, and discontentment with the war than Keith Olbermann. There is nobody who better explains the perfidy, deceptiveness, and politics that have gone into this war's management than Keith Olbermann.
Keith Olbermann is currently the best anti-war voice that the left has, and he may very well be the best liberal orator of the past 40 years... or if not, at least the best known.
Anyway, I highly recommend watching this video. You may go away upset, but you'll still thank me for having posted it.

CATZ | Covent Garden Complex, End of Walking Street |
CHAMPAGNE | Off Soi Diana / Soi Buakhao |
CLASSROOM | Soi Pattayaland 2, South Side |
BOESCHE | Covent Garden Complex |
COYOTEE | Soi Marine Disco |
DOLLHOUSE | Behind the Walking Street Boxing Ring |
HEAVEN ABOVE | Soi Diamond Complex South Side Rear Upstairs |
KITTEN CLUB | Soi Pattayaland 2, North Side |
LIVING DOLLS SHOWCASE | Halfway Down Walking Street, West Side |
MANDARIN | Soi 6, South Side |
MISTYS | Soi Pattayaland 2, South Side |
SHARK | Covent Garden Complex, Second Floor |
SPICY GIRLS | Soi Pattayaland 1, North Side |
SUPERBABY AGOGO | Soi Diamond Complex, South Side, Rear |
SUPERGIRL AGOGO | Soi Diamond Complex, North Side, Rear |
TAHITIAN QUEEN 1 | Beach Road, Near Soi 12 |
TAHITIAN QUEEN 2 | Soi BJ on Walking Street |
TIGER | Soi Diamond Complex, South Side, Upstairs |
WHATS UP | Soi Beach Club, North Side |
WINDMILL | Soi Diamond, South Side |
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People can say what they want about this war, I was against it too. BUT now that we are here we had better finish it.Im here and have been here for almost 3 years now. If we pull out before we finish this mess it would be a big mistake.Believe you dont want whats happening here to happen on the streets of Amerika, and it will. You see them plotting in Europe, they will plot everywhere in the world. Most of these people have absolutely nothing to live for.
I don't get your point. Do you believe that the terrorist threat will disappear if peace breaks out in Iraq? Do you equate a peaceful Iraq with the defeat of global Islamist terrorism? That's delusional. The peace that existed in the world on September 10, 2001, did not seem to deter the 19 Islamists (15 of whom were from Saudi Arabia) from their plot.
Terrorism is a threat that we are going to have to live with for the forseeable future, and nothing, not peace, harmony, or good will on earth is going to stop these people.
Like you said, they have nothing to live for... and peace in Iraq is hardly the cure-all you think it is. I can guarantee you that the terrorists certainly don't think so.
Hi Jil!
Anon doesn't mention "peace" in Iraq, s/he talks of "finishing it."
Could that mean that s/he prefers having many, many more Iraqis killed before withdrawing -- because s/he wouldn't "want whats happening here to happen on the streets of Amerika."
I don't think this was written by someone with the military in Iraq -- rather by a Republican blog spammer.
I do agree with Anon in a way, and I've said it before: We broke Iraq, and (if I thought it were possible) it behooves us to fix it. It's a terrible thing that we have done to the Iraqi people: Set up all of the makings of a kill-em-all religious war. I knew that would happen before we invaded, and it happened exactly the way I predicted it would.
However, now that we've broken Iraq, nothing American soldiers can do is going to fix it. American soldiers are not going to overcome 700 years of religious hatred with neighborhood patrols.... or bombing campaigns.
The problems in Iraq have nothing to do with terrorism really, and everything to do with the hatred that Sunnis and Shi'ites have for one another. Shi'ite Iran hates Sunni Saudi Arabia, and both are fueling the fire in Iraq. They are attacking American troops only so that those troops will leave so that the real bloodshed can start.
So, on that point, Anon is correct, to a certain extent. However, whether the Sunnis and Shi'ites suddenly overcome centuries of animosity and become all cuddly will not change one terrorist's feelings about America and the West. They will still want to attack it. They will still want to attack Israel. They will still want to attack Denmark for cartoons that insult Islam. They will still want to attack Thai teachers in Yala for corrupting their children. They will still want to attack India because of Kashmir. They will still want to attach France because of Algeria. The list goes on and on... and Iraq, as far as political causes go, does not have to be on the list of things that piss of Muslims in order for terrorism to have enough hatred to fuel itself.
Hey Jil,
Here is a question total off the subject of this blog. Could you ask you wife or Maid Go What I would make with Thia Egg plant and may be a recipe. I know it is alot to ask but I have been seeing them at the farmers market in Minneapolis and really want totry some thing new. I love to cook and I love to make new ethnic meal for my family to try. My children just love it when I introduce them to new things. Thank you for your time if you want you can email me the info it that works for you or post it in my comment on my
There are many kinds of eggplant sold here, I'm not sure which one you mean. Perhaps if you describe it.
Also, Maid Go doesn't cook a single thing that is actually edible by people outside of Thailand. Unless eggplant with pickled shrimp brain paste and "essence of battery acid" is your kind of thing.
In response to JIP’s post;
I guess what I am saying (without saying too much on an open forum) is; Iraq was a mess long before Amerika came here. Don’t believe all of what you see and hear on the idiot box. There is a lot of progress going on here. Now, We need a presence in the Middle east, anyone who disagrees with that is delusional, lets keep al-Qaida, Iran, Syria, and the rest of the Big money occupied here instead of elsewhere in the world. While doing so we are exposing them for what they are to those in the well from which they draw.
The biggest thing we can learn as a people, as human beings are; Moderation, moderation in ones beliefs, moderation in ones actions. This part of the world is full of extremism. This is a land where people are tortured and murdered for petty insults, forget about crimes. When I say tortured I mean slices of your body being cut from you while you are tied and gagged until you finally die. This is a country where Sheep ride in the cab of a small pickup truck while old ladies ride in the bed in 120* heat dressed in black. All of this is second nature; it’s the same as putting your pants on in the morning. That’s the reality of Iraq.
Now how to end Terrorism, well there isn’t enough space, time, or booze here for us to solve that. Terrorism IMHO, is a product of a couple of issues. One is the “Have Nott’s” and another is the “Haves”. Where you have the Have Nott’s, you have people who are not educated, who are deeply religious because hope is all they have to live for and then you have the Haves who are usually extremely greedy, jealous and well educated. They are jealous of others Haves and have children who have nothing better to do with their education, time, and money then go on crusades. The Haves manipulate the Have Nott’s to do their dirty work with promises and illusion, its amazing what poor people will do to get a leg up.
The Middle East is Extreme, its extreme in that on one hand you have extreme wealth and on the other your have extreme poverty. On one hand they are in the Stone Age, on the other they are more modern then any country. It’s amazing.
I’m outa time, by the way I visit your favorite GOGO bar often when I’m in Thailand, and our patch is hanging over the bar.
Midnight Rider
By the way, I was in favor of invading Saudi Arabia, not Iraq. Jordianians also seem to be prevolant in terrorism so we can throw them in with Syria and Iran.
HMmmm looks like we are right in the middle of em.....
We've been keeping the Middle East occupied for the last 40 years (at least in the manner which you are implying) in a place called Palestine. As you can see, the terrorists have always been able to walk and chew gum at the same time, and commit terrorist atrocities in more than one place at one time.
It is their modus operandi not to confront military power head-on. (That would be aside from the Taliban, and even they are of the hit-and-run variety more often than not.) Therefore, no matter where the American military goes on earth, it is never going to face an organized group of Islamist militants taking marching orders from a central figurehead. Instead, you have little cells scattered all over the world acting independently of one another, each in its own way trying to contribute to their "global jihad." No terrorists are flying from Berlin to fight in Baghdad, and no terrorists are flying from Rome to Ramadi, or from Pittsburgh to Peshawar. They are going to use terrorism wherever they can whenever they can, and the best we can do is to focus on stopping it before it happens... and as I said before... A soldier driving a humvee in Sadr City is not going to be much help in stopping a bunch of disgruntled Arab engineering students in Southhampton who decide they want to strike back.
As far as have's and have not's go, most fundamentalist Muslims could care less about the material objects we possess in the west. They are ascetics. They care about religious extremism and ridding the middle east of decadance and Jews, and killing themselves and as many infidels as they can if need be.
Muslims are not jealous of our education -- they think it is corrupting of their traditional values. They are not jealous of our time -- they think it is misspent on secular diversions. They are not jealous of our money -- they think it is wasted on perversions and sloth. They don't want to get a leg up... they want us to take a step down.
Anyway, Dago... thanks for commenting. The time and thought put into your posts is really appreciated here, even if we don't agree. If you ever stop by TQ2 again, make sure you ask for me, and stop by and say hello if I'm there.
They are about the size of a softball round not egg shape a green with purple. Thank you glad youll be back.
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