Thursday, September 20, 2007

Daily Report: Educational TV

I didn't sleep too well last night. With the cool months arriving here in Thailand, I'm trying to wean myself off of air conditioning, and going with just a fan. Sometimes I wean, other nights I don't.

So although the alarm went off at 7:00, I snooze-buttoned my way through to 9:30. (Oh... don't be too shocked. My record is 5 hours of getting out of bed every 10 minutes to hit the snooze button before going back to sleep.)

Work was OK. I stuck to it from 10:30 until 4:00, before switching over to the online project for a little while, and eating dinner (courtesy of Stan). At 5:30, I got back to work and typed until 8:30. So all in all that was a pretty full day of work.

Tonight, I watched Mythbusters ("If a bunch of birds sitting inside of a truck all take flight at once, does the truck get lighter?" The answer is no: The weight of the birds is only replaced by the downward force of air from their flapping wings.) and Mean Machines: Translantic Challenge, where in head-to-head testing, a top-of-the-line Corvette beat a middle-of-the-road Ferrari. In braking and cornering, the Ferrari won (but not by much), but in acceleration and on the road coarses (where acceleration came in more handy than cornering), the Corvette won by wide margins.

Still though, I think it is pretty cool that a $75,000 American assembly-line Corvette can beat a $250,000 Italian hand-crafted Ferrari at anything.

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