Monday, June 19, 2006

Write a Check, Receive a Check

It's been a roller coaster ride with my taxes this week. First, New York State demanded $800 from my 2001 tax return. Fortunately Mom was there to catch that impending mess on the short-hop.

I could have argued and won my case if I hadn't been 12,000 miles away... except that during 2001, I free-lanced and temp'ed my way through about 20 different Manhattan agencies, and... well, I would happily pay $800 to avoid having to scrape together 20 W2 forms from 5 years ago... especially from half a world away.

Also, this week finally divulged the Secret of Missing State Tax Return... filed waaay back in January. No word until about it until this week: My accountant forgot to sign the form. Once again, Mom handled things and got that ball back in play.

Word to the wise: You can't have a care-free life in Pattaya without Mom covering your ass back on the homefront. Well, okay... those of us who are all grown up and responsible might be able to do it without our mothers. But, if we were all grown up and responsible, we probably wouldn't be in Pattaya, now would we?

Thanks Mom.

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